At the bottom of the pyramid we have what is called raw data, raw data that has not yet been processed. They are only signals that have not yet been interpreted, the result of massive and indiscriminate collection, which in marketing can be translated into preliminary operations of data collection, such as activation analysis or the collection of user and customer databases. In short, many isolated symbols have not yet been associated with meaning. And it is from this premise that we proceed to the next step. A piece of data has no intrinsic value by itself until it is contextualized; only when compared to other data can conclusions be drawn and information derived.
At this level of processing, answers to specific Latest Mailing Database and timely questions such as what? , where? , when? , giving the first meaning to the collected data. But data not only interact with each other, but must be placed in a broader context. What do they have to do with me and always with my company from a marketing standpoint? What are the benchmarks in my industry? These questions lead to an understanding of a particular topic and answer the broader How.
After you have finally collected all the coordinates based on the data obtained in the past, you can move on to planning future actions and becoming an expert on the subject. The stage of wisdom consists precisely in applying the acquired knowledge so as to be able to act in the best way for the company. At this point, the data becomes the scaffolding for us to formulate strategies, and it is also the yardstick for evaluating the progress of the project in the future. From theory to practice this general premise explains in detail the method to be applied.