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Nine patients with isolated severe left coronary artery stenosis (from proximal to distal) and a normal right coronary artery were studied by radionuclide cineangiography and hemodynamics at rest. Cineangiographic studies were analyzed by a computer, to determine (a) hemodynamic rest variables, (b) changes in those variables during exercise, and (c) parameters of left ventricular mechanics at rest and during exercise. Correlation of angiographic, hemodynamic, and radionuclide studies revealed several significant correlations. Severity of angiographic stenosis at rest correlated with the degree of anteroseptal akinesis. Exercise-induced changes in blood pressure, cardiac index, and left ventricular ejection fraction were similar to those found in patients with coronary artery disease, and similar to the percent change in systolic blood pressure and percent change in ejection fraction found in the normal subject. This study shows a close correlation between the severity of angiographic stenosis and the severity of left ventricular dysfunction. The rest and exercise hemodynamics during cineangiography reflect the intrinsic functioning of the left ventricle in the patient with isolated left coronary artery stenosis. In addition to its 0b46394aab