You will take care of the rest when setting up the store because you will receive the necessary tools as part of the monthly fee for the subscription package. Read what Agnieszka the owner of sklep.cukierniakowalscy says about the start of the business We were forced to close the patisserie when the stay at home order was introduced in mid March. We have been wondering for a long time how we will manage Easter this is an important time in our industry. We decided to introduce the possibility of shopping in our online store with the possibility of home delivery. repeated that thanks to this method of shopping they could enjoy our products during the holidays.
Information about the opening of the online store was published on our profiles in social media on our website in Google and stationary posters in the confectionery. The first orders were received on the first day of whatsapp mobile number list opening the store . . And it's not April Fools ! ? A store without a warehouse? Have you heard of dropshipping? It is a logistic model in which the wholesaler cooperating with you is responsible for packing and shipping products purchased in your store to the target customers. The use of this solution allows you to significantly reduce the costs of your business and gives you more time to develop your business refine your product offer and marketing. Check how dropshipping works The customer places and pays for an order in your online store. The order appears in the administration panel.
The store sends the order to the wholesaler. The wholesaler sends the product to the customer. The online store sends a personal invoice to the customer's e mail address. The store settles accounts with the wholesaler before after the shipment of the order. how dropshipping works This form of sales will work not only for novice entrepreneurs. It is also used by larger players who want to supplement the regular offer of their store stored as standard in the warehouse with seasonal rarely purchased or high value products.