Without a price, by a woman who renounces maternal affiliation in favor of the contracting party or a third party" There is a great diversity of regulations between different countries. Among the European countries that expressly prohibit surrogacy are France, Italy, Germany, Switzerland and Sweden. Among those that have provided it with a legal framework are: Portugal, Greece, the United Kingdom.
Belgium and the Netherlands. It is also recognized in countries like the United States or Russia. In Spain, article 10.1 of Law 14/2006, of May 26, on assisted human reproduction Whatsapp Mobile Number List techniques, establishes that the contract agreeing to surrogacy or substitution will be null and void. Given the nullity of these contracts, those interested in these techniques go to other countries and once they return to Spain with the minor.
They request the maternity benefit that is denied by the National Institute of Social Security (INSS) to the understand that the pregnancy of a minor by surrogate uterus is not a protected situation, for the purposes of maternity benefit The plenary of the Social Chamber of the Supreme Court in its judgment dated November 16, 2016 , Rec 3146/2014. Speaker María Luisa Segoviano Astaburuaga recognizes the maternity benefit in cases of surrogacy.