As well as the breach of trust; the decrease in performance at work, provided that it is voluntary and continuous; drug addiction or drunkenness when there are negative consequences at work; and, finally, harassment for any type of reason, both towards the employer and towards co-workers.
This type of dismissal must be notified to the worker in writing, stating the facts corresponding to the offense and the date from which it will take effect. In both cases buy email database the dismissal may be qualified by the judges and courts of the jurisdictional order as appropriate, unfair or null . When it is considered appropriate, that is, when the non-compliance alleged by the employer is certified -or, where appropriate, the objective reasons- will have the extinctive effects contemplated in the law; when the judiciary considers it inadmissible -there is no alleged non-compliance or the reasons.
It will give rise to the possibility of reinstatement or the collection of compensation of thirty-three days per year worked; and, finally, nullity will be declared when there has been discrimination against the worker or his fundamental rights have been violated. Conciliation agreement between the company and the worker It is at this point, once the worker has been dismissed and the claim against the dismissal has been filed -or, at least, presenting the disagreement regarding the reasons for the dismissal.