Janes Ww2 Fighters No Cd Crack _VERIFIED_
Download ===== https://tiurll.com/2t0QyB
IL-2 is a lot of fun, but novices need to stay out of the single engine fighters. First of all learn to fly the Bf-110 or Stuka, or of course, the Sturmovik itself. They're stable, easy to control and rarely get you into trouble. Only after you've learned your way around these should you try the fighters. Jumping straight into a Bf-109 or Fw-190 will just get you killed again and again which is no fun.
okay thanks, its just going to be one of those bridge too far oldies. Its strange that Janes seems to have done different things with each of the games they put out around the same time - WW2 fighters runs perfectly in windows 10 still, F-15 runs but requires some fiddling around with (someone apparent has gotten it working by running it through the Steam UI even) Fleet Command runs but glitchy unless you install the NWS Simulations enhancement for it, Longbow 2 - was really hard to get working in windows 7, and at best with some feautres missing, but now in windows 10 with nglide it works pretty well it seems. 2b1af7f3a8