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This antivirus scanning tool allows you to check the security of your device and the software installed by you, just like the presence of particular programs, but unlike the full antivirus software, Scanner does not need to be run in every instance. It means that this antivirus scanner software is a perfect solution to protect your mobile device. It doesn't need to be installed on your mobile device, but it is a good mobile antivirus app, which can be run on any mobile device without being installed. Avast Free Mobile Security Scanner also provides numerous tools for mobile security and privacy protection.
This antivirus scanner application also allows you to manage your mobile security settings and install mobile security software such as antivirus, anti-malware and parental control tools on your mobile device. Avast Antivirus Scanner 2018 is available on the Google Play Store and on the App Store.
Avast Free Mobile Security Scanner 2018 provides the following features:
Protection from all types of malware
Security for your device
Scan email attachments for viruses and malware
Scan SMS texts for viruses and malware
Clean the scan history to keep your data safe
Scan local data and SD card contents for viruses and malware
Delete phone call logs and media files when scanned
Avast Free Mobile Security Scanner 2018 provides a full protection of your mobile device against malware, Trojan viruses and other types of malicious software. Being a mobile antivirus software this scanning tool is available on Android and iOS OS devices like smartphones, tablets or e-Readers.
Avast Free Mobile Security Scanner 2018 is a complete solution for the protection of the mobile devices from malware, data loss and other risky situation. You can use this product on your desktop, laptop, tablet and smartphone for the detection and removal of malicious software.
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