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"Cars" is a feature animated film produced by Disney and Pixar Animation Studios. The Pixar Animation Studios released the film on June 16, 2006, and was the company's first film to be produced in 3D, and was also released with Dolby Surround 5.1 audio, which was Pixar's first such release. The film follows a group of middle-aged male race car drivers who have all spent their lives looking up to Lightning McQueen, a pampered southern California race car, as a hero, when he was still in high school. The four drivers, who meet at a race in California, have all traveled to the race to see who will win Lightning's new "Stroke of Genius" prize, a $1,000,000 prize in which Lightning will give a single car a "Stroke of Genius" during the race.
The four drivers are voiced by Owen Wilson, Bret Howard, Michael Caine, and Larry the Cable Guy, while Michael Schoeffling, Richard Petty and Jeff Richins provide additional voices. The movie is also the sequel to the 2006 animated film "Cars", and the 2009 animated sequel "Cars 2".
The name of the movie is a play on the name of the racing team of the same name, "McQueen Racing".
Disney/Pixar's Cars 2 is the second installment in the Cars franchise. The film was released in theaters on June 16, 2011.
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